
Services to Owner/Operating Companies and EPC Companies:

PPEI is a specialist estimating services company proving estimates for process plants for various purposes using our NextGen Estimating work process which gives a new dimension to alignment, planning, basis and interactive estimate reporting

Detail Estimates:

  • Detail estimates for FEL3/FEED/Budget Estimate/Control Base/Check Estimates which will fall in the category of Class 3 Estimates as defined by AACEI Recommended Practices 18R-97
  • Fallout Estimates required during later stages of project execution for refined control base/reforecast/end-of-job estimates which fall in the category of Class 2/Class 1 Estimates as defined by AACEI Recommended Practices 18R-97
  • Independent estimates for claims evaluation

Project Cost Risk Analysis (Optional Service):

  • PPEI provides project cost risk analysis services, facilitating the project team to deliberate and assign risk ranges using a cost risk model created in @Risk, providing a documented basis for setting project contingency
  • Major Event Risks are not generally part of the project contingency, nevertheless one that needs to be thought through for setting a likely management reserve should one or more such events occur to impact the project. PPEI provides assistance in facilitating such discussions, quantification of cost impacts of such events and probabilistic evaluation of the set of events which may help the client’s management team to determine the Major Event Risk reserve to carry for the project or their portfolio of projects

Forward Escalation (Optional Service):

  • PPEI provides an assessment of forward escalation based on anticipated future escalation during the project construction phase, showing likely escalation, low and high scenarios

Estimate Recast to Project Control Base:

  • PPEI provides estimate details and summaries in Client’s standard coding structure and preferred formats. Code mapping is done by PPEI right at the outset of the project such that the import to client’s cost control tool becomes seamless and the summaries are generated in client format instantaneously

Estimate Inputs for Construction Planning:

  • PPEI’s standard set of reports include quantities and man-hours by Construction Work Package (CWP) and several other summary groupings and by Prime Account; these reports provide necessary inputs to Construction Planning group for site planning and for aligning estimating and scheduling

Factored Estimates:

  • Factored estimates for FEL2 / Screening Estimates / Feasibility Study Estimates which will fall in the category of “Class 4 Estimates” as defined by AACEI Recommended Practices 18R-97

Conceptual Estimates:

  • Estimating Assistance for Conceptual estimates for FEL1 / Early Screening Estimates which will fall in the category of “Class 5 Estimates” as defined by AACEI Recommended Practices 18R-97

Services to Module Yards/Construction Contractors – Unit Rate Bids:

PPEI provides a highly value added service to Module Yards and Construction Contractors for a Unit Rate Bidding. PPEI’s “NextGen Estimating” work process creates the full set of unit rates based on the parameters set by you using performance data. PPEI provides bid strategy insights using interactive analysis of RFQ MTOs highlighting likely growth areas. PPEI provides a sharp control budget for better control minimizing cost of fabrication / construction. 

Analyze RFQ MTOs and flag potential growth Areas:

  • PPEI’s Interactive Reports provide in depth analysis of MTOs by Prime Account flagging deficiencies and areas of likely growth

Generate full set of Unit Rates for Bidding:

  • PPEI’s NextGen Estimating System creates a complete set of bid unit rates for every size and significant parameter appearing in the RFQ MTOs, for each labor operation; the base cost rates in conjunction with the approved bid strategy matrix then generates the actual bid unit rates to quote

Strategic Bidding Inputs to Maximize Revenue:

  • PPEI provides the bid strategy inputs matrix along with the insights of RFQ MTO deficiencies to the bid strategy team to create a few bidding options; PPEI then takes each of the bidding scenario and creates a full set of bid unit rates and total job value with and without the predicted quantity growth; these insights then are reviewed by the bid strategy team to determine in confidence the final bid to be submitted, thus maximizing revenue

Sharp Control Base Estimate to Minimize Cost:

  • PPEI’s NextGen Estimating provides sharp man-hour budgets in sufficient detail to feed seamlessly to your cost control tool for better control of cost thus minimizing cost of execution

Estimate Inputs for Detail Planning:

  • PPEI’s standard set of reports include quantities and man-hours by Module and by Construction Work Package (CWP) and several other summary groupings by Prime Account; these reports provide necessary inputs to the planning group for module yard/site planning and for aligning estimating and scheduling

Services – Lump Sum Contracts:

  • PPEI’s “NextGen Estimating” provides critical analysis of MTOs by Prime Account which is very important in lump sum bidding even if quantity risk is not required to be included; PPEI provides a sharp control budget for better control of project cost

Analyze MTOs and flag potential growth Areas:

  • PPEI’s Interactive Reports provide in depth analysis of MTOs by Prime Account flagging deficiencies and areas of likely growth

Barebones estimate for control budget:

  • PPEI’s NextGen Estimating work process begins with engagement with the bid strategy team, alignment, planning and creation of sharp control budget which will upload to your cost control tool seamlessly using the code mapping created right upfront

Strategic bidding insights – redistribution, rates for changes:

  • Critical analysis of quantities and creation of unit rates of variation are part of the strategic bidding insights provided by PPEI for client to manage quantity risks and opportunities

Estimate Inputs for Detail Planning:

  • PPEI’s standard set of reports include quantities and man-hours by Module and by Construction Work Package (CWP) and several other summary groupings by Prime Account. These reports provide necessary inputs to the planning group for module yard / site planning and for aligning estimating and scheduling

Services - Reimbursable Contracts:

  • PPEI’s “NextGen Estimating” provides a comprehensive set of Estimate Reports showing detail analysis with interactive reports; such review reports accompanying the estimate project costs provided to your clients inspire high level of confidence and lend credibility to your bid for the reimbursable contract

Analyze RFQ MTOs and document rationale for stratified MTO allowances:

  • PPEI’s Interactive Reports provide in depth analysis of MTOs
  • Stratified MTO Allowances and a documented rationale for MTO Allowances help better prediction of final quantities

Assess likely low and high site hours:

  • PPEI provides a range analysis for likely site man-hours, low and high varying the location factors, quantity variation, etc

Granular control base to facilitate documenting change impacts:

  • PPEI provides estimate details and summaries in Client’s standard coding structure and preferred formats; code mapping is done by PPEI right at the outset of the project such that the import to client’s cost control tool becomes seamless and the summaries are generated in client format instantaneously
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