PPEI’s independent check estimates come in high granularity with almost infinite reporting possibilities – customized to specific client needs
Minimal disturbance to Owner/EPC project teams
High efficiency – check estimates delivered in less than half the time compared to industry standard
Comprehensive set of analysis reports enable thorough review and thus inspire high level of confidence
Areas of differences with the base estimate will be much better defensible with the granular estimates produced by PPEI
If the check estimates are for comparison with lump sum quotations, owners will have much better leverage in negotiation having a solid base to compare against
PPEI can provide the base estimate instead of the EPC’s estimating team:
PPEI can bring much higher value doing the base estimate instead of just a check estimate
Much superior quality derives from PPEI’s NextGen Estimating work process starting with stakeholder alignment
Interactive reports package makes it possible to identify deficiencies in MTOs and PPEIs mechanism for supplementing deficient areas with predefined quantum packs help better quantification closer to final quantities
PPEI provides full set of quantity summaries instantaneously for every RFQ for obtaining current market pricing
PPEI’s optional services include bid tabulation and critical analysis to identify errors/outliers in bid rates
PPEI's Code of Accounts enable generation of reports in many different permutations & combinations
Mapping of these code of accounts to Client code of accounts and to their cost control structure leads to seamless integration of estimates and cost control base
Estimates in Client preferred formats are generated instantaneously with ability to filter down to any level of WBS details
Summaries generated by Module and by Construction Work Package (CWP)
Man-hours/ton and cost/ton metrics are standard reports in PPEI Estimating for benchmarking purposes
Labor hours by Construction Work Package (CWP) including breakdown by prime account provided early in the FEED phase enables construction planning and integration of schedule and estimates
Estimate details are automatically allocated to procurement budgets by RFQ Number and to various contract budgets
Owner/Operating companies benefit enormously due to PPEI’s very quick turnaround, typically less than half the industry standard.
Status Quo:
Industry Standard Estimates today:
Wide range of quality – some good, some not so good
Estimate details, summaries and some analysis reports are provided
Fixed coding and static reports
Critical estimate reviews are somewhat limited as customizing reports is time consuming
Typically estimate details are recast to client cost control tool formats and budget items, RFQs and contracts by force fitting after estimate is issued
Consequences of poor estimates, not uncommon:
Cost overruns sometimes caused by poor estimates
Poor prediction of required site man-hours could lead to setting unrealistic schedules
Lack of confidence in the estimate could lead to arbitrary cuts in budget proposal
Padding up with allowances hoping to cover uncertainty
Large overruns in quantity
Site man-hour overruns lead to bottlenecks in site facilities
Shortage of funding due to cost overruns lead to disruptions and consequent claims and delays
Often times these have the effect of spiralling cost overruns much beyond reasonable limits