PPEI’s Value Proposition:

  • PPEI offers unique solutions to Construction Contractors for different types of contracting
  • At the root of PPEI’s offering is “NextGen Estimating” providing sharp control base man-hours and cost by Construction Work Package (CWP)
  • Work Package (CWP) PPEI’s code of accounts is granular and maps seamlessly to your cost control structure leading to integration of estimates and cost control base
  • Comprehensive set of interactive reports enable thorough review and thus inspire high level of confidence
  • PPEI delivers very quick turnaround, typically less than half the industry standard

Unit Rates or Lump Sum Bidding:

  • PPEI's “NextGen Estimating” creates a full set of bid unit rates for each labor operation for every size and defining parameter that appear in the RFQ MTOs
  • Interactive reports package makes it possible to identify deficiencies in MTOs which drives selective modulation of bid unit rates
  • PPEI’s ‘Bid Scenario Matrix’ coupled with insight of likely MTO growth areas provide ammunition to the strategy team to create a range of scenarios for evaluation
  • PPEI generates a full set of bid unit rates for each scenario and also the job value for give RFQ quantities and for growth scenarios
  • Armed with such analytical insights, the bid team can evolve the right bid considering risks and opportunities
  • The work process naturally involves creation of sharp base budget to feed in to your cost control tool

Bidding for Reimbursable Contracts:

    • Labor hours by Construction Work Package (CWP) including breakdown by prime account enables construction planning and integration of schedule and estimates
    • Man-hours per Ton and Cost per Ton metrics are standard reports in PPEI Estimating for benchmarking purposes
    • Detail analysis by prime account provide high degree of confidence to the project team including your clients

Status Quo:

Conventional bidding process:

  • Never enough time for bidding; estimating on critical path

  • Estimating gets squeezed for time and sometimes analysis is compromised

  • Bidding lump sum or fixed unit rates with inadequate analysis due to time crunch may lead to risk exposure

  • Shortage of time leads to lack of detail in estimate and consequent poor baseline

  • Repeated poor baseline lends credence to ignoring baseline

Lost opportunities in smart bidding and setting sharp control base:

  • Bidding unit rates or lump sum without adequate analysis may entail lost opportunity to maximize revenue
  • Lack of good estimating and sharp control budget may mean higher cost and reduced margins

  • Poor prediction of site man-hours may lead to unrealistic schedules and thus Cost overruns/loss

  • Cost overruns invariably result in attempts in claims which sometimes could sour relationships

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